Hi folks. Welcome to SA Mafia's attempt to win the Stanley Cup! We're playing Eastside Hockey Manager on Steam. The idea is to replace a team (RIP Phoenix) with the Mumbles Scumhunters and just see how it goes. I did a random draft with completely fake folks so I couldn't try and just go "Hm, this Crosby kid is a kid I hear a lot about, I should trade for him!" The other thing I had to do is download a save editor. Unlike Football Manager, you can't just Right Click -> Assign Nickname to change the name of players. Also, I didn't understand what was going on with the salary cap? So I had to push that up a little bit... With all that said, here is the first major email I got. May be a little hard to read, but the gist: We are predicted to be the 9th best team in the NHL; The Lord of Hats is our star player; and Poque is the best player to join up. Cool. I also got this nice little bit of news: Fantastic. Glad to have you back, Pod. We al...